Help Directory

A list of links and contacts which may be of help during the Coronavirus pandemic: Helplines & email links: Please remember, all volunteer services are subject to available…


Partners Dr René Skule MBBS (Charing Cross & Westminster 1989), MRCP, MRCGP I worked overseas, setting up and running a medical clinic before returning to the UK in…

Comments, Suggestions and Complaints

We welcome your comments both positive and negative as they let us know when we get it right and where there is room for improvement. Letters of Appreciation…

Out of Hours Pharmacies

The pharmacies listed here are a small selection offering dispensing services out of normal surgery hours. The Quarter Jack Surgery is not responsible for changes to pharmacy timetables…

Bereavement and Befriending Services

For bereavement and befriending services please take a look at the following links which we hope might be of some help during difficult times: Home – Cruse Bereavement…


Nurse Practitioners Lesley Beeton After completing my RGN training at Guy’s Hospital in 1993 I worked on the acute medical admission ward. The experience was great preparation for…