
…practice in 2000 and completed my BSc (Hons) Nurse Practitioner degree in 2008 at Bournemouth University. I was delighted to join the QJS team in 2014. I see patients who…

Questionnaire – Minor Surgery

…details: Finally, please could you tell us a little about yourself: Age: Gender: Male Female Which ethnic group do you belong to? White/White British Black/Black British Mixed Chinese Asian/Asian British

Questionnaire – NHS Healthcheck

…tell us a little about yourself: Age: Gender: Male Female Which ethnic group do you belong to? White/White British Black/Black British Mixed Chinese Asian/Asian British Other ethnic group Submit…

Questionnaire – IUD Feedback

…tell us a little about yourself: Age: Gender: Male Female Which ethnic group do you belong to? White/White British Black/Black British Mixed Chinese Asian/Asian British Other ethnic group Submit…

Patient Participation Group

…you to offer any help available. We do not charge for this service but request a donation towards fuel costs. Are you able to offer driving services? You can be…

Bookable Nurse Practitioner Appointments

…are educated to degree level to achieve a high standard of patient care. They are qualified to assess patients’ physical, psychological and social needs and to diagnose and implement agreed…

Patient Reference Group Registration

…you: Male Female How would you describe how often you come to the practice? Regularly Occasionally Very rarely Ethnic Background: White British White Irish White and Black Caribbean White and…

Long Term Conditions

…Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease – Atheroma British Heart Foundation General help and advice How to take your blood pressure Body Mass Index calculator Live Well Dorset for help with weight…

Drug Rep Appointments

…he/she would like an appointment with you (to avoid repetitive and unwanted marketing). You will then receive a telephone call to offer you an appointment slot. (Please be aware that…


…– see below Respiratory Clinic Well Man & Well Woman Phlebotomy Service We offer blood test appointments including INR testing. Please telephone or call at reception for an appointment or…